We exist to glorify God by making spiritually and relationally healthy disciples!
Who We Are
As a local congregation, we strive to glorify God in all we do by making disciples that are both spiritually and relationally healthy - growing increasingly in our love for God and our love for people. Our strategy for this increased growth is found in our values that motivate our strategy as a faith family.

Our Values
We value these realities as a faith family…
Biblical Authority
Personal Sanctification
Intentional Community
Sacrificial Contribution
Missional Mindset

Our Strategy
Implement our values by challenging each other to…
At The Center Of It All Is The Gospel!
The truth that God extends His righteousness to the unrighteous through faith in Christ's life, death, and resurrection changes everything! The gospel changes our worldview and the way we progress through the Christian life. As we study, apply, and live out the truths of God's Word, the gospel continually molds our worship, spiritual growth, relationships, service , and outreach. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the why that formulates the what of our faith family.

Worship grounded in Biblical Authority
The heart cannot love what the mind does not know, which is why our worship of God is grounded in treasuring the Bible as the inspired, inerrant Word of God. As we diligently study the Bible to know Him greater, our knowledge of God overflows into praise to Him for who He is and what He has done. This worship includes our affections, attitudes, and actions both when we are together and apart.

Grow through Personal Sanctification
Slowing down sufficiently to dwell in God’s presence doesn’t happen naturally. Therefore, we intentionally embrace our limitations and strive to allow the rhythms of our lives to reflect our desire to grow closer to Him. By centering our hearts and schedules on the gospel, we are transformed in how we read the bible, pray, and relate to our faith siblings. Although perfection is not a reality on this side of heaven, progressive growth in our likeness to Jesus is a result of a life impacted by the gospel daily.

Connect in Intentional Community
The Christian faith is not intended to be lived in isolation, but in community with other believers. Our affections leak, so our gatherings remind us of our mutual love for God. The local church is not something we attend but a people to whom we belong, and as we get together, we do so with mutual love, grace, consistency, and authenticity. Our care for one another is an overflow of Christ’s care for us through the gospel.

Serve with Sacrificial Contribution
The church thrives when the body ministers to the body. Embracing the grace of God to us individually through the gospel, we extend grace through humility, generosity, and hospitality. We do not spectate, but wholly participate by using the gifts God has given us for the building of our faith family and the glory of God! One way our salvation shows itself is through how we serve others.

Share having a Missional Mindset
As disciples, our mission is to make God known wherever we are and wherever we go. God providentially directs our lives; therefore, we live with intention in all we pursue. From interacting in our everyday relationships, to missional outreach opportunities both locally and abroad, sharing the good news of the gospel through tangible ways is how we live our lives on mission.
Our Fellowship Family
A story of God's amazing grace. Fellowship is not a place or a building, but a group of people intentionally living lives that please the Lord. We are far from perfect, but rejoice in the change God is making in our hearts and lives. Our story is growing as our group is multiplying and we give God the glory for what He is doing in our midst.